J Alan writes creative non-fiction about his life as a boy in the allegheny highlands of Northern Appalachia,
and about his medical life.
After medical school, J Alan trained at the Naval Hospital, San Diego, CA, the Submarine Medical School, Groton, CT, and the Naval Diving and Salvage School, Washington DC before deployment for sea duty.
J Alan trained and worked in both anesthesiology and internal medicine. After medical school, a military experience in diving and submarine medicine, and residencies, he worked not only in his medical office, but in all departments of the hospital and medical wards of his community hospital. Plus, he and his chief nurse, Merdi, took care of his patients in five different nursing homes. J Alan wants to share some of these experiences with people of all ages who are interested in health and wellness, and who are curious about the state of the U.S. medical system and how it affects everyone.